Technoplat CS/CW Stretch Wrapping Machine

Technoplat CS and CW are automatic wrapping machines by Robopac and represent the innovative solution to fully automatic pallet wrapping. The machine is equipped with the Film Clamp and Cut unit with the spreader, in the CS version, and welder, in the CW version, which ensures the film tail is attached, cut, spread or welded and perfectly adhered to the pallet.


Turntable diameter mm 1650 std. 1800 opt.
Max load weight kg 2000 std. 2500 opt.
Turntable speed rpm 5÷12
Carriage up-down speed m/min 1,5÷5,5
Maximum product dimensions (LxW) mm 1000×1200 std. 1200×1200 opt.
Maximum product height mm 2200 std. 2400/2800/3100 opt.
Film carriage type FR, PDS, PVS
Film stretch adjustable from panel
Film pre-stretch n.a. (FR), fixed 250% std (PDS), variable 150-400% (PVS)
Forklifting front and rear
Power supply voltage V 230 V 1Ph
Power supply frequency Hz 50/60
Installed power kW 2,1÷2,9
Max reel dimensions mm 500×300
Max reel weight kg 20
Film thickness μm 17÷35
TECHNOPLAT CS-CW Stretch Wrapper


Euro Company and Robopac, professionalism gives great results.