5 Reasons to Use Bulk Food Inspection Systems

X-ray inspection & metal detector

Bulkfood inspection system, X-ray inspection, metal detector, Mettler Toledo

Have you ever contemplated purchasing a bulk product inspection system for your food production process? Read on to discover 5 key benefits of installing a bulk x-ray inspection and/or metal detection system into your food production line.

1.    Outstanding Detection Sensitivity

The bulk product inspection equipment is used to inspect a range of fresh/frozen or dried products including; nuts, grains and pulses, extruded snacks, fruits, cereals, vegetables, seafood, minced meat, confectionery and pet foods.

Bulk-flow product inspection systems typically inspect the loose product before it is packaged or added as an ingredient to a finished pack.

The sensitivity of detection in loose products inspected on a horizontal conveyer belt with x-ray is usually better than in final sealed packs because the depth of product is typically much less and the texture is more uniform (homogeneous).

When using metal detectors, the aperture can be minimised in vertical inspection processes to maximise detection sensitivity.
2.    Reliable Contamination Detection

Safeline’s x-ray inspection and metal detection systems are capable of detecting and rejecting ferrous, non-ferrous and stainless steel contaminants, as well as glass, mineral stone, calcified bone and high-density plastics and rubbers, regardless of their size, shape or location within a wide range of loose foods.

Advanced product inspection systems are capable of accurately detecting contaminants in high throughput environments, ensuring food safety whilst maximising line efficiency.

The X36 Series Bulk Variant x-ray inspection system has been specifically designed for bulk-flow products, optimising detection sensitivity at throughputs of up to 14,000kg of product per hour.
3.    Minimum Product Waste

A number of different reject systems for bulk systems are available to suit a wide range of products and throughput speeds. Choosing the right one is essential to minimise product waste.

Reject portion size for bulk products is governed by the type of reject mechanism and number of lanes into which the product flow is split for inspection. Multi-scoop or air blast reject systems are commonly used for bulk x-ray systems and can significantly reduce the quantity of good product rejected, along with the contaminant, saving costs and improving productivity.

Metal detectors can inspect product under gravity-fall conditions. A range of diverter rejects values can be used. The innovative seal design on Y-Valve metal detectors provides a dust-tight seal to minimise the escape of good product into the reject channel, reducing product waste.
4.    Supplier Quality Control Checks

Consideration should be given to the location of bulk food inspection systems on the production line. When installed early in the process, x-ray inspection and/or metal detection equipment can inspect incoming goods or raw materials, which enable any contaminants to be removed at the source and immediately traced back to the supplier, saving manufacturing costs.
5.    Cost Savings

When installed early in the production process bulk product inspection systems can prevent damage to downstream processing equipment caused by larger physical contaminants.

Installation at the start of the process also enables any contaminants to be removed before further value is added to products through processing and packaging. Additionally, depending on the application, inspecting bulk foods early in the process may allow rejected product to be reworked and reused, saving costs.


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